Cerocoma turcica
Species have not been checked by expert, presence of species in Georgia might not be certain
Scientific Name ID: 44088
Species: turcica
Taxon Rank: Species
Scientific Name Authorship: Pardo Alcaide, 1977
Reference of occurrence in Georgia: Turco, Federica & Bologna, Marco. (2011). Systematic revision of the genus Cerocoma Geoffroy, 1762 (Coleoptera: Meloidae: Cerocomini). Zootaxa. 2853. 1-71
Information from GBIF about Cerocoma turcica
GBIF scientific name: Cerocoma turcica
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED
GBIF cointains
0 occurances (with coordinates) of
Cerocoma turcica from Georgia