Insects, Spiders, Crustaceans, ფეხსახსრიანები
Amata nigricornis
Ricania japonica
Aglais io
Orthetrum brunneum
Cyzicus tetracerus
Iris polystictica
Homotoma ficus
Mesobuthus eupeus
Leucophora sp.
Hyles livornica
Agelena labyrinthica
Lepidurus apus
Mesosa curculionoides
Galeodes araneoides
Diogenes pugilator
Saga ephippigera
Carabus adamsi
Trichopterapion holosericeum
Bubopsis hamatus
Scientific Name ID: 45139
Name According To:
Taxon Rank: Phylum
Scientific Name Authorship: von Siebold, 1848
Vernacular Name: Insects, Spiders, Crustaceans
Georgian Name: ფეხსახსრიანები
GBD Remarks: Nobody has really estimated the total number of the Arthropod species found in Georgia. This is the most diverse group of organisms comprising over 1 million of described species, vast majority of those are insects.
Page Authors: David Tarkhnishvili ,
Information from GBIF about Arthropoda
GBIF scientific name: Arthropoda
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED
GBIF cointains
67925 occurances (with coordinates) of
Arthropoda from Georgia