Occurrence ID | Basis of Record | Locality | Recorded By | Decimal Latitude | Decimal Longitude |
19516 | Kolkheti National Park | 42.132178 | 41.858183 | ||
19517 | Sukhumi | 43.00124 | 41.023947 | ||
19518 | Gori | 41.985052 | 44.109196 | ||
19519 | Lidzava | 43.177085 | 40.364372 |
GBIF scientific name: Neriene clathrata (Sundevall, 1830)
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED
This section is under construction
National Red List Status: LC
IUCN Red List Status: NE
Protection status: Not defined
Reason: N/A
Trend: Unknown
EOO: 1400
AOO: 12
Native/Introduced: Native
Comment: Probably widespread in the forst zone in the Great Caucasus in Georgia
Taxonomy according to: https://wsc.nmbe.ch/
References: Nentwig et al. (2021) Spiders of Europe. Version May.2021.; World Spider Catalog (2021). World Spider Catalog. Version 22.0. Natural History Museum Bern, Otto (2020): Caucasian Spides Database.
Evaluated By: Otto S., Kramer H., Karalashvili E., Seropian A.
Date evaluated: Nov 2021