GBIF scientific name: Pachyiulus krivolutskyi Golovatch, 1977
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED
This section is under construction
National Red List Status: VU
IUCN Red List Status: NE
Protection status: Not defined
Reason: Unexplained
Trend: Unknown
Native/Introduced: Native
Comment: This species is endemic for Western Georgia,
References: Evsyukov AP (2016) The millipede Pachyiulus krivolutskyi Golovatch, 1977, the easternmost species of the eastern Mediterranean genus Pachyiulus Berlese, 1883, endemic to the west_x0002_ern Caucasus (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae). Russian Entomological Journ
Evaluated By: Japarashvili S.
Date evaluated: Nov 2021