Occurrence ID | Basis of Record | Locality | Recorded By | Decimal Latitude | Decimal Longitude |
7915 | , | 41.519403 | 41.545894 |
GBIF scientific name: Trachinus draco Linnaeus, 1758
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED
This section is under construction
National Red List Status: VU
IUCN Red List Status: LC
Protection status: Not defined
Reason: Unexplained
Trend: Declining
Native/Introduced: Native
Georgian Name: ზღვის დრაკონი
English Name: Greater weever
Synonyms: Trachinus lineatus Bloch & Schneider, 1801
Taxonomy according to: http://www.marinespecies.org;https://www.fishbase.in;https://www.gbif.org;https://www.iucnredlist.org
References: Marine fishes in the Black Sea: recent conservation status.M. YANKOVA, D. PAVLOV, P. IVANOVA, E. KARPOVA, A. BOLTACHEV, B. ÖZTÜRK, L. BAT, M. ORAL and M. MGELADZE.Mediterranean Marine Science,30 May 2014
Evaluated By: Mikeladze R, Mgeladze M, Goradze R, Japoshvili B, Epitashvili G, Kuljanishvili T.
Date evaluated: Nov 2021