Georgian Biodiversity Database

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Agamas, ჯოჯოები

Paralaudakia caucasia
Paralaudakia caucasia
Scientific Name ID: 45988
Name According To:
Taxon Rank: Family
Scientific Name Authorship: Gray, 1827
Vernacular Name: Agamas
Georgian Name: ჯოჯოები
GBD Remarks:

Eurasia, Africa, and Australia have altogether ca 350 species of Agamids representing 52 genera. Georgia has one of the 20 species of genus Laudakia typical for the Central Asia and Near East.

Page Authors: David Tarkhnishvili ,

Information from GBIF about Agamidae

GBIF scientific name: Agamidae
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED

GBIF cointains 395 occurances (with coordinates) of Agamidae from Georgia

Conservation Status

This section is under construction

1 Species are evaluated within Agamidae:
LC: 1 Species