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Lycaena dispar

Taxon: Lycaena dispar
Author: Alisa Sanakoeva
Uploaded by: Armen_Seropian

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Scientific Name ID: 34061
Species: dispar
Taxon Rank: Species
Scientific Name Authorship: (Haworth, 1802)
Vernacular Name: Large copper
Georgian Name: მჟაუნას მრავალთვალა
GBD Remarks:

In Western Europe, the draining of wetlands and human activity on shallow riverbanks has caused a strong decline of populations and its extintion in large areas like British Islands. In Eastern Europe it is threatened due increasing human influence. Picture was taken in Iori Basin, Kakheti Region, during the summer of 2014.

Page Authors: Diego Rodriguez , Alexandre Danchenko
Reference of occurrence in Georgia: Didmanidze, E., 2004. Annotated list of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) of Georgia and adjacent territory from Southern Caucasus.Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology (Tbilisi, Georgia) Vol. XXII: 197-226

Conservation Status

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National Red List Status of have not been evaluated