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Taxon: Ablepharus pannonicus
Comment: Ablepharus pannonicus©David Tarkhnishvili

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Scientific Name ID: 2626
Name According To:
Species: pannonicus
Taxon Rank: Species
Scientific Name Authorship: Fitzinger, 1824
Vernacular Name: Asian Snake-eyed Skink
Georgian Name: აზიური შიშველთვალა
GBD Remarks:

M. Bakradze recorded this species in Vashlovani National Reserve in early 1970-s. No recent findings of this species available.

მ. ბაქრაძემ დააფიქსირა ამ სახეობის არსებობა ვაშლოვანის ნაკრძალში 1970-ს დასაწყისში. ბოლო წლებში ეს სახეობა საქართველოში არ დაფიქსირებულა.

Page Authors: David Tarkhnishvili ,
Reference of occurrence in Georgia: Tarkhnishvili, D., A. Kandaurov & A. Bukhnikashvili, 2002. Declines of amphibians and reptiles in Georgia during the 20th century: virtual vs. actual problems. Zeitschrift fur Feldherpetologie 9: 89-107.

Conservation Status

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National Red List Status of have not been evaluated