Scientific Name ID: 35387
Species: populeti
Taxon Rank: Species
Scientific Name Authorship: (Bienert, 1870)
GBD Remarks: Not a single specimen of L. populi LINNAEUS, 1758 was found in this region and therefore it is presumpted that the whole Caucasian range is inhabited by L. populeti BIENERT, 1870 (c) Didmanidze et al. 2013
Reference of occurrence in Georgia: Didmanidze E. A., Petrov V. A. & Zolotuhin V. V., 2013. A List of Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) of Georgia and neighbouring countries with special attention to material from the Simon JANASHIA Museum of Georgia. Entomofauna, Zeitschrift für Entomologie, vol.34, pp. 269-304