Georgian Biodiversity Database

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Phoenicolacerta laevis, male

Taxon: Lacertidae
Author: David Tarkhnishvili
Comment: Anaklia, May 2017, male
Uploaded by: tarkhnishvili

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Scientific Name ID: 45993
Name According To:
Taxon Rank: Family
Scientific Name Authorship: Oppel, 1811
Vernacular Name: True Lizards
Georgian Name: ნამდვილი ხვლიკები
GBD Remarks:

This African-Eurasian family has ca 220 species that belong to 27 genera. Georgia has 23 (ore one-quarter) of species representing 4 genera, Lacerta, Darevskia, Eremias, and Ophysops (that contain altogether over 90 mostly Eurasian representatives). Georgia has 17 out of 22 (77%) species of mostly Caucasian genus of rock lizards Darevskia, including three parthenogenetic taxa.

Page Authors: David Tarkhnishvili ,

Conservation Status

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