Vinca pubescens
Species have not been checked by expert, presence of species in Georgia might not be certain
Vinca pubescens
Vinca pubescens
Scientific Name ID: 30123
Species: pubescens
Taxon Rank: Species
Scientific Name Authorship: D`Urc.
Reference of occurrence in Georgia: Gagnidze, R., 005. Vascular plants of Georgia: A nomenclatural checklist. Tbilisi, "Universale": 1-247.
Georgian biodiversity database contains 6 occurrences of Vinca pubescens
Occurrence ID | Basis of Record | Locality | Recorded By | Decimal Latitude | Decimal Longitude |
6818 | | Gonio (distr. Khelvachauri) | | 41.5822839 | 41.5670447 |
6819 | | Acharistskali (distr. Khelvachauri) | | 41.541290 | 41.728011 |
6820 | | Kutaisi - Sataplia | | 42.3119250 | 42.6735389 |
6821 | | Chiatura (distr. Chiatura) | | 42.2953061 | 43.2769058 |
6822 | | Meore Balda (distr. Martvili) | | 42.4909517 | 42.4210800 |
6823 | | Gomi (distr. Ozurgeti) | | 41.857196 | 42.135543 |
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Information from GBIF about Vinca pubescens
GBIF scientific name: Vinca pubescens d'Urv.
GBIF taxonomic status: SYNONYM
GBIF cointains
4 occurances (with coordinates) of
Vinca pubescens d'Urv. from Georgia