Occurrence ID | Basis of Record | Locality | Recorded By | Decimal Latitude | Decimal Longitude |
15687 | Mtskheta-Mtianeti: Dusheti Municipality: Pshav-Khevsureti, Bear Pass (Datvisjvari Pass) between Kistani and Khakhmati, ridges about 200 m south of Datvisjvari Pass. On scree at the NW-exposed slope. | 42.52041 | 45.056747 | ||
15688 | Mtskheta-Mtianeti: Dusheti Municipality: Pshav-Khevsureti, Bear Pass (Datvisjvari Pass) between Kistani and Khakhmati, ridges about 400 m NNE of the summit of Khakhmatismta. On scree at the NW-exposed slope. | 42.511378 | 45.054997 | ||
15689 | Mtskheta-Mtianeti: Municipality of Dusheti: Pshav-Khevsureti, valley of the Arghun River, approx. 11 km SSW of the village of Shatili and 6 km NNE of the Bear Pass (Datvisjvari Pass), orographic left side of the river. On SE-exposed rocks | 42.57252 | 45.095492 |
GBIF scientific name: Draba bryoides DC.
GBIF taxonomic status: SYNONYM
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