Occurrence ID | Basis of Record | Locality | Recorded By | Decimal Latitude | Decimal Longitude |
25901 | HumanObservation | Korugi reserve | 41.650305 | 45.451065 | |
25902 | HumanObservation | Gulgula | 41.949847 | 45.474967 |
GBIF scientific name: Myotis daubentonii (Kuhl, 1817)
GBIF taxonomic status: ACCEPTED
This section is under construction
National Red List Status: LC
IUCN Red List Status: LC
Protection status: Not defined
Reason: N/A
Trend: Stable
Native/Introduced: Native
Comment: **
Georgian Name: წყლის მღამიობი
English Name: Daubenton’s Myotis
SubSpecies: M.d. volgensis
Taxonomy according to: www.redlist.org, EUROBATS.MoP8. Resolution 8.2
References: Bukhnikashvili, A. & Kandaurov, A., 2002. The annotated list of mammals of Georgia. Proceedings of the Institute of Zoology, Tbilisi, XXI: 319-358
Evaluated By: Bukhnikashvili A., Kandaurov A., Natradze I.
Date evaluated: Nov 2021